Summer might be winding down, but things are heating up in Crandall Park with the completion of the courts project.
The project, ideated by Tom Hoy and spearheaded by the Crandall Park Beautification Committee, began this past March with the demolition of the old courts, which Committee President Elizabeth Little Hogan said were beyond repair. “No one on the Committee could recollect the courts being new in our lifetimes!” she said.
Above: Crandall Park Courts - Before
The Committee hired Saratoga Associates to design the new space, and with help from surveys of city residents indicating their interests, they decided on the addition of pickleball courts to complement the already popular basketball and tennis courts. With the added draw of pickleball, which has grown in popularity in recent years, it was clear a social space would be needed to accommodate folks watching games or waiting their turn.
“That was part of our goal. We knew a lot of people would be coming to play pickleball, and we wanted to make a social area for them. We have the sitting wall, the chess and checkers tables, and plenty of shade… I think that’ll be a nice gathering spot,” she said.
After a two month hiatus during New York’s COVID-19 “Pause”, work by E & T O’Connor Construction resumed again in May and wrapped up last week with the completion of the painting and lining of the courts. The completed space includes two basketball courts, two tennis courts, and four pickleball courts as well as four chess and checkers tables. Benches, a bicycle rack, and two sets of bleachers near the basketball courts will be installed in the coming weeks.
In addition to the courts and hardscape, new trees and shrubs were added along Fire Road, including a crab apple, Canadian red chokecherry, serviceberry, and witch hazel shrubs. A new stone dust path encourages entry to the park from Fire Road behind the courts as well.
The tennis and pickleball courts, as well as the chess and checkers tables, are now open for the public to enjoy, and the new LED lights (which provide a significant cost savings as compared to the old lights, by the way) ensure that even though the sun is setting earlier these days, residents are able to enjoy them well after dark as the lights will remain on until 10pm.
The basketball courts will remain closed until further notice from the Mayor based on COVID-19 guidance.
What’s next for Crandall Park? The Beautification Committee just signed a contract for the installation of a splash pad to go in by spring 2021, and they are actively working on the addition of a disc golf course within the Park that will also be ready to roll next spring.
Follow along with Crandall Park updates and activities on their Facebook page here!
Photo courtesy of Elizabeth Little Hogan