Summer seems to have flown by every year of my life, but now that I have kids it seems to go even quicker (and it may be just the opposite for those of you with school aged children!). July definitely came and went in the blink of an eye for our family.
Hopefully you enjoyed some of the recommendations from last month’s article - feel free to tag @glensfallsliving on Instagram so we can see what activities you’re up to!
I may have gone a little overboard for August, but I am going to miss all of these options when it starts to cool down again! In addition to the events on specific dates in the calendar below, don’t forget to check out the options available any day at the bottom!
Crandall Library • Photo: Bri Lyons
August 3: For a small fee of absolutely nothing (unless you’d like a snack from local food trucks that will be on site) you can head over to the Crandall Park Bandshell for Glens Falls Community Theatre’s presentation of Charlotte’s Web (every Tuesday in August!) at 6:30pm. Details here.
August 3: Story Time in the Park in City Park outside of Crandall Library for children 3-5 years from 10-10:30am (every Tuesday) - includes stories, songs, and puppets. Details here.
August 4: Story Time in the Park in City Park outside of Crandall Library for children infant-3 years from 10-10:20am (every Wednesday) - includes simple stories, movement, and songs. Details here.
August 5: Honeybee Workshop at Little Feet Little Farm in Ballston Spa for those ages 4 and up. Learn more and check out other events hosted by them here.
August 6: Mickey & Minnie String Art at Wicks from the Sticks from 6p-8p. Kits can be purchased to do at home if you can not attend the event. Details here.
August 7: Warren County Youth Fair will be held at the Warren County Fairgrounds from 9am until 1pm. A day filled with talent shows, a pie eating contest, a craft room, and more!
August 7: The Children’s Museum at Saratoga’s Big Truck Day located at Maple Avenue Middle School in Saratoga Springs looks like a day full of fun! Get your tickets (only $5!) here.
August 8: Berkshire Bank Family Sundays at Saratoga Race Course - details here!
August 10: Make a bird feeder and learn about birds in City Park from 2-3pm. For children entering Kindergarten - 3rd grade. Register for this event and more here.
August 10: Charlotte’s Web (and food trucks!) at the Crandall Park Bandshell 6:30pm. Details here.
August 11: For those of you with kiddos between the ages 6-11, Up Yonda Farm in Bolton will be hosting Hug A Tree: Survival Skills for Kids When Lost in the Woods presented by LASAR at 1pm. Children will have the opportunity to meet a real search dog!
August 11: The Pember in Granville will be offering a “Birds and Bees Pollination” event with a mason bee house craft. The program is geared for 1st grade and up, and registration is required by calling 512-642-1515. See more events and information here.
August 12: Kids Crafts at the Beach at Moreau Lake State Park - more info here.
August 12: Balloons, popcorn, ice pops, hair cuts (yep, you heard right! And - they’re free - for school kiddos), sports equipment and book exchange, all at Crandall Park’s Schoolapalooza from 5p-8p. More information here.
August 14: Lake George Land Conservancy Annual Block Party! Located at Up Yonda Farm in Bolton Landing from 11a-2p, you’ll find SayCheez518 food truck and live music. Children all ages can explore the butterfly garden, catch frogs in the pond, and get a scenic view of Lake George on a guided hike at 1pm. Find out more here.
August 15: Berkshire Bank Family Sundays at Saratoga Race Course - details here!
August 16: Five Rivers Environmental Education Center’s Meet the Animals gives children in grades K-5 the chance to meet some Adirondack wildlife, learn about their adaptations and how to protect them. The drive to Delmar is about an hour from Glens Falls, and registration is required. They also have other “Funday Mondays” throughout the month, so be sure to check out the full calendar here.
August 16: Children entering grades K-5 are invited to City Park for American Sign Language: Animals from 11a-12p. Registration is required and can be found here.
August 16 - 20: Wicks From the Sticks Kids Week - for all school aged children! They will be offering a craft each day from 10:30 - 11:30am (drop off or stay to watch) for $12, or $50 for all 5 days. In order from Monday - Friday, they will have neon slime, jewelry making, candle making, string art, and lego building. See pictures of each of these crafts and learn more here.
August 17: Charlotte’s Web (and food trucks!) at the Crandall Park Bandshell 6:30pm. Details here.
August 19: Crandall Library’s Annual Teddy Bear Picnic. This is a drop in, social distanced event with teddy bear stories at 10:30, and a teddy bear parade around the park at 11:15. A kit of activities and projects to do with your bear will be provided. Details here.
August 20, 21, 22: The Annual Firemen’s and Family Summer Festival and Craft Show in Shepard Park will have music, food, children’s activities, and more. Get the details here.
August 21: Lake George Music Festival - Children’s Concert in Shepards Park is FREE to attend. More information on this event and others for the Lake George Music Festival can be found here.
August 22: Berkshire Bank Family Sundays at Saratoga Race Course - details here!
August 24: Nature Arts Hour at Wilton Wildlife Preserve and Park gives kiddos the chance to get creative with, and in nature. Find more information and save a spot here.
August 24: Charlotte’s Web (and food trucks!) at the Crandall Park Bandshell 6:30pm - details here.
August 27 - 29: Book Sale at Bolton Free Library. Visit their website for more information.
August 27 - 29: Saratoga Balloon and BBQ Festival. Balloons and BBQ...what more needs to be said?! Find more info here.
August 29: Summer Scented Slime at Wicks from the Sticks (this is a walk in event so students can come at any time between 11a - 3p). Details here.
August 29: Berkshire Bank Family Sundays at Saratoga Race Course - details here!
Dinosaurs in Motion: Where Art Meets Science: Every single day this month (except for Wednesdays), Universal Presentation Hall in Saratoga Springs will be hosting a show at 12pm that blends science, art, and innovation with their life-size metal sculptures. It sounds like a perfect “STEM” activity to engage the kiddos while also feeding their brains. Find more information and grab tickets here.
Hudson Pointe Nature Preserve: We’re talkin’ trails, benches, interpretive signage, bridges, “beaches” and a whole field to romp around in at this preserve. We love it here because there are several different paths you can take depending on the length of walk you’re feeling for the day, and each trail is wonderfully marked, and even open to mountain bikers! See the trail map here.
Hovey Pond Park: Have you ever struggled trying to choose between a nature walk or a playground? Fear not! Hovey’s got you covered! With their loop around a beautiful pond (and back into the marsh), you can get your steps in, and then hit the playground afterwards! Oh, and did I mention the plethora of turtles you will see while you’re there? Learn more about Hovey and more parks here.
Lake George Steamboat Company: The one-hour tour of the southern end of Lake George on the Minne Ha Ha is the perfect addition to an afternoon north of Glens Falls. The Minne Ha Ha has departure times throughout the entire day, and the Steamboat Company has other cruise options as well (Lac du Saint Sacrement Lunch Cruise, tour of the Narrows, etc).
June Farms: Located in West Sand Lake (so a little bit of a drive, I know!), this farm offers a “horse play” playground, wood fired pizza, farm animals, walking tours, and so much more. This used to be a popular place for date nights, goat yoga, and more, but just recently started allowing children of all ages at any time! Find all you need to know here, and note that they are closed Mondays!
Floating Classroom: Lake George Association’s Floating Classroom is an excellent resource, and fun too! Geared towards ages 8 and up (but all ages welcome!), they offer public programming on Wednesdays at 10am and 1pm until August 25th. Details and sign up here!
The Chapman Challenge: For all you history buffs, or anyone just wanting to learn more about our beloved Glens Falls, this challenge is for you! Filled with spots to touch on local history, and some just for fun, you will round out your challenge at the Chapman Museum, where you will receive a pin of completion and have your name added to their website. Get all the details here.
Round the Lake Challenge: What better way to learn and gain an appreciation for the nature that surrounds us than hands on experiences? The Lake George Land Conservancy’s Round the Lake Challenge offers educational stops, hiking trails, and so much more. After 20 missions have been completed, you will be rewarded with a certificate of completion and a RTL patch. Print your checklist and find more info here.
*For more family friendly options to enjoy any day of the week, check out our Hometown Family Activities page here*
To add your event to our calendar, Email Haley at