New Addition: Colette Scott Cleavland


The Cleavland Family welcomed their baby girl, Colette, on the last day of summer! We chatted with Jordan and Scott about the sweet way they shared the news with their family and friends, their favorite things about parenthood so far, and more…


Photo: Bri Lyons


Our Family

Scott, Gunner and Colette. This is my family. Pinch me because it still doesn’t feel real that we welcomed the most precious baby girl to our family just four short weeks ago. 

On Sharing the News

Sharing the news of this pregnancy was very private and intimate. The day Boston IVF called us to say “you’re pregnant” is a phone call we will never forget. After a four year infertility journey, fighting our hardest fight, Colette Scott Cleavland was the one we were waiting for all along. 

Scott and I shared the news with our family and closest friends by showing up at their doorsteps with cupcakes. A card that read, “Made with love and a whole lot of science. Arriving Fall 2021 - Our double rainbow baby”. The added surprise was the pink frosting inside the cupcakes that we recorded each of them biting into to share the news that it was going to be a baby girl. It was so private and special to share that moment over and over again with our closest supporters and biggest fans! 

On Pregnancy Cravings

During this pregnancy, I craved fruit (kiwi, peaches and apples) and lemonade. Oh, and crispy chicken! Mind you I hadn’t had chicken in over five years and all of a sudden my mouth was watering for crispy chicken tenders! 


Photo: Bri Lyons


All about Colette

Colette Scott Cleavland was born on the last day of summer (four weeks early at 36 weeks) weighing 6lbs 2.5oz and 18 inches long at Albany Medical Center.

We did not decide on her name until she was born. We knew we liked the name “Colette” but wanted to make sure it fit her. I loved the idea of “Scott” as her middle name after her dad. We did not tell a single soul, not even the doctors and nurses at Albany Med, until she was here and in our arms. Colette Scott Cleavland was the name of our miracle baby. 

Colette shares mommy’s big lips and chubby cheeks and she has daddy’s eyes and chin. Her blonde peach fuzz we both take credit for! 

Some Family Favorites

My favorite thing about Colette so far is her little smirks and grins. They come anytime, day or night, so you always have to be paying attention because it’s so worth it when you see it. It melts me every time. I’ve been told that we share the same smirk which makes it even more special. She is pure bliss. 

Our favorite things to do with Colette include walks around the neighborhood with big brother Gunner (our 12 year old chocolate lab), coffee runs to Kru Coffee, going to Gramma and Opah’s house for dinner, and slow dancing in her nursery to a country radio station - the same radio station we listened to as we welcomed her into the world. 

On Parenthood

My favorite thing about parenthood thus far has been falling in love with my husband all over again. Scott was the absolute best support system during labor, our stay in the NICU, and now life at home with Colette. It has been effortless for him. The pride and love radiating for his girls is something that I’ve ingrained in my mind and never want to forget. 

I love the person that I have become since having Colette in my arms. The years of waiting have made me feel confident in the mother I am today. I was a mother long before Colette was here and I’m so proud of the warrior that infertility pulled out of me. Brave moms raise brave babies.

Some Advice

Our advice for new parents is simple - appreciate. 

I remember when there was silence because she didn’t exist. I remember the messiness of life in an endless loop of infertility, heartbreak and grief. Now I’m on my hands and knees folding premie onesies instead of praying for a miracle. This life is beautiful. She makes it so beautiful. We are the luckiest parents in the world. We love you Colette Scott. 

For the ones still in the waiting - you are seen, you are loved and you are so worthy.


Special thanks to Glens Falls Hospital for making this series possible!

You’ve been planning for this moment for 9 months, but the team at The Joyce Stock Snuggery at Glens Falls Hospital has been preparing for over 30 years. While each birth is unique, their exceptional care stays consistent.   You'll be supported 24/7 by a specialized care team that puts you and your family’s needs first.  

Expertise. Compassion. Dedication.  The reasons more babies are born at The Joyce Stock Snuggery.

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